03 November 2021


Betty Lorraine 
	 Quesinberry-Chatham  ….

Betty Lorraine Quesinberry-Chatham ….

Betty Lorraine Quesinberry-Chatham 1931-2021 How does one culminate a life that was the center of family and love? Our Mother, Betty, was born in Bell, California, and was the only child from the union of Vivian May Butler-Quesinberry and Byran Fulton Quesinberry; divorce soon followed. Betty survived a disjointed family life and had four half-brothers. Byran’s sons were Bernard and Robert Quesinberry, and Vivian’s sons were Stanley and Larry Grindstaff. Betty was sent to live with her father in Oregon and was promptly put in a Catholic boarding school, where she soon learned that rules were not her game. She became an ignored and willful child with many time outs on the school bench and slaps on the wrist. That experience lasted in her personality throughout her life. Much later, Betty came back to California to live with her half-brother Robert (Bob) and his wife, Blanche Quesinberry, and their two children Paul and Kim. She graduated from South Gate High School and later enrolled in nursing school, where she met a life-changing friend named Louise Schmidt, who later became her spiritual guide. Through unusual circumstances influenced by her mother, Betty married William Fred Chatham, and they had three children, Paul Terrell, Deborah Sue (Susie) and Melinda Kay (Lindy). Soon after the third child was born, divorce followed, and Betty went to live with her dear friend and rescuer Louise in Downey. Louise became “Grandma Weezes,” and without her guidance, assistance, love and introduction to her faith in God, the outcome would not have been as favorable. Weezes got Betty attending Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles ,and that became the start of our faith in God as a family. Betty later moved down the street from Weezes on Patton Road in Downey. Betty struggled as a single parent, and life was not an easy one, but with the hand of God, she made it through. Betty also got strength from a friend named Helen Gilbert, who helped her through the toils of parenting three children alone. Helen was also a single parent, and they had a lot in common to hash out. Betty’s children became her pride and purpose. Betty had many jobs over the years, including medical assistant, airline stewardess, receptionist, Avon representative and a medical transcriber for the Long Beach Veterans Administration. Betty is survived by her three children, Paul, Deborah (Susie) and Melinda (Lindy). Betty has 10 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. The grandchildren from Paul and Cindy Chatham are Marybeth Ann, Hannah Jo, Tobey Lynn, Kara Joy, Lucas Paul, Jedidiah Seth, Noelle Rose and Brenna Renee. The grandchild from Melinda (Lindy) and Robert Miller is Kascie Lynn. The grandchild from Deborah (Susie) and P. Ablon is Devin Joshua and, currently, son of Daniel, Malson. Betty helped raise infant/young boy Devin after Deborah’s divorce, which she did with much love and necessity. Betty’s great-grandchildren are from Kara and Nathan Bishop: Hosanna Joy, Zechariah David and Obadiah Jones. The greatgrandchildren from Jedidiah and Marcella Chatham are two sons named Seth Michael and Eli David. Then, from Marybeth and Dan Miller, son Josiah Daniel. Much later in life, Ronald and Bertha Cole helped Betty move into Leisure World, Seal Beach. Betty lived contentedly in Leisure World for 25 years. She attended the Leisure World Baptist Church, and Pastor Rolland Coburn would visit her at her home when she was physically unable to get to church. Through struggles, tears, laughter, love and her faith in God, she left us peacefully to meet her loved friends and the Lord



Irene Burns  1910-2021 

Irene Burns 1910-2021 ….

Irene Burns 1910-2021 Born of Minnesota parents who moved west in 1910, Irene lived most of her life in Long Beach, , a city she always loved. She went to Wilson High School and Long Beach City College. Her parents, Raleigh and Emma Jennings, started a tradition of the family summering in Lake Tahoe that Irene carried forward, and it continues to this day. This and other traditions instilled the great importance of family and friends in our lives. During World War II, she met her beloved husband, John, while he was in California training for the Marine Corps. He served in the South Pacific for 19 months, and they married upon his return, resulting in a wonderful 60 years of marriage. By career, Irene was an industrial engineer working at Robertshaw Controls for 23 years until she retired to travel the country by trailer with John. They moved into Leisure World, Seal Beach, in 1999 and enjoyed golfing together with a dear group of friends. She is survived by her loving children—Jim, Kathy, Maureen— and extended family, including four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Historical Society of Long Beach in memory of Irene Burns. A memorial service will be held on Nov. 12 at 11 a.m. in Holy Family Catholic Church, 13900 Church Place, Leisure World, Seal Beach, with a luncheon afterward at the Seal Beach Yacht Club at 255 N. Marina Drive in Long Beach.


27 October 2021


Phyllis Sadie Mitchell  1921-2021 ….

Phyllis Sadie Mitchell 1921-2021 ….

Phyllis Sadie Mitchell 1921-2021 Phyllis Sadie Mitchell (Carslake) was born on May 19, 1921 in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. At her request, instead of a summary of her life, which she feels her family and close friends already know, the following poem Phyllis wrote in October 2010 will be used to honor her life. The Doors of Life Have you ever looked at life as a series of doors, opening and closing? When we are born, the first door opens, closes, and from that time on throughout our lives we open and close many doors. Each one offers us new choices and brings new challenges. We ask ourselves, what will this one bring? new love, friends, happiness, adventures? did I make the right choice? We stumble along life’s way making right and wrong choices but storing up memories for our later life. As that time approaches, we find we are getting reluctant to open them, but we must go on enjoying every moment and every memory. Too soon it is time to open that final door, but now is the time to be strong and... Who knows...just maybe... this door will lead us on the most wondrous adventure of them all... and never close.


20 October 2021


Audrey R. Bixby  1926-2021 ….

Audrey R. Bixby 1926-2021 ….

Audrey R. Bixby 1926-2021 Au d r e y R. Bixby, 95, a resident of Mutual 5 for 29 years, passed away peacefully on Oct. 6. She was surrounded by love from her family. Audrey was born in Oakland, on Feb. 13, 1926, and graduated from Highland School of Nursing in 1947, beginning a lifetime career in the field. In 1954, she and her husband, Vert Queener, (divorced 1962), and their two daughters moved to Long Beach from Richmond. Audrey worked as a nurse at two area hospitals, becoming a head nurse in the geriatrics department at Community Hospital Long Beach. She later became an instructor of nursing at Long Beach Community College and retired after teaching 16 years there. Audrey enjoyed the outdoors and could be found sunning poolside at home, in her garden or playing tennis. Her interests included playing bridge; attending live theater; and traveling internationally and nationally, including going LW excursion trips. She served with the American Red Cross for several years and delivered Meals on Wheels for 20 years in the Belmont Shore area. Audrey is survived by her two daughters, Kathy Mohr (John) of Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina, and Connie Queener Peck of Signal Hill; and her grandsons, Brian Mohr (Ashley) of San Francisco and Tyler Mohr (Lacy) of Boston, Massachusetts. She was preceded in death by her parents, Walter and Ruth Roggenbuck; her brother, Melvin Roggenbuck; and sisters, Lorayne Hizer and Everesta Gay Bowers. Per Audrey’s wishes, her ashes are to be scattered off the Seal Beach Pier in the Pacific Ocean by the Neptune Society.


Gloria Plotkin   1929-2021 ….

Gloria Plotkin 1929-2021 ….

Gloria Plotkin 1929-2021 Gloria Plotkin was born on July 21, 1929, in New York, and died on Oct. 7, in California. Her funeral service and burial was held on Oct. 10 at the Harbor Lawn-Mt. Olive Memorial Park, with Rabbi Eric Dangott officiating. Gloria’s family says she was a thoughtful and caring person and a bright light and a shining star. She will forever be missed. Rest in peace, you beautiful spirit. “ADONAI, You are my shepherd; I shall not want. You make me lie down in green pastures;You lead me beside the still waters. You restore my soul; You lead me in straight paths for Your name’s sake. Yea, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You set a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Eternal forever,” (Psalm 23).


13 October 2021


Frances Leona Johnson 

Frances Leona Johnson ….

Frances Leona Johnson 1928-2021 Frances Leona Johnson was born Oct. 31, 1928, at 7:30 a.m. in Hatton, North Dakota to Vigo and Ragnild Onstad. Frances married her husband of 71 years, Wallace Johnson, not long after World War II on Dec. 3, 1949, in the Mission Church of Balaton, Minnesota. She lived with and loved him up to the time of her peaceful passing, in her home on Sept. 18. Frances was strong and ambitious. As a teenager, she harvested potatoes in the blistering heat of Minnesota and North Dakota summers. As a young woman, she beat polio. Frances had two sons, and after they finished school, she worked several jobs outside the home and ran her own successful rental cleaning business. Frances was a Bible Study Fellowship discussion group leader and teacher for many years and had a tough time retiring because the women really loved her. Frances also reviewed and critiqued papers for a prison Bible study group for many years. One of Frances’ favorite things to do, besides traveling to new and interesting places, was singing. Frances and Wally sang hundreds of times over the last 25 years for the Leisure World Baptist and Pentecostal churches, as well as The Salvation Army. Frances and Wally, along with friends and relatives, went on many cruises to the Caribbean, Alaska, the Mediterranean and through the Panama Canal and took many trips to countries such as Norway, Sweden, Russia, Germany and Israel. They also drove their camper up to the Alcan Highway to Alaska and to most National Parks. Frances loved to cook big Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners for her family and friends. Holidays and birthdays were special occasions, and she always went out of her way to make everyone who attended feel special. Frances also loved to read, her Bible mostly, but a good mystery was always on the list. Frances embodied the verses out of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, “Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Frances leaves behind her husband, Wally; her two sons, Kim and Tab; their wives, Pam and Sarah; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and countless friends, who all know she is with her savior and Lord, Jesus, who was born, lived a sinless life, died for her and their sins, and was raised again, which gives them the sure and present hope that they will see her again.