Upgraded intersection will feature protected left turns

The traffic light at St. Andrews Drive and Golden Rain Road will be intermittently out of service due to construction at the intersection. Stop signs on A-frame barricades have been installed to control traffic when the light is not working.
Soon, crews will begin digging footings for the second left turn signal. These footings will serve as the foundation to support the weight of the signal.
Additionally, crews will continue bore drilling, a process in which narrow, deep holes are created in the ground, to run conduit for the intersection’s electrical system and the new pedestrian phase. Once underground wiring is in place, they will begin to install new ramps to provide access to the sidewalks.
Drivers are advised to proceed with caution through the intersection. Construction work to upgrade the site will be ongoing through mid-April. Once the work is completed, the intersection will feature protected left-turn lanes and an exclusive pedestrian phase that will allow people to cross all crosswalks at once.