How to Place a Classified Ad
Classified Rates
Classified ad rates were increased as of Jan. 1, 2025, as follows:
• Resident rate: $10 for 12 words or fewer; each additional word is 25 cents (rates for special formatting remain the same).
Non-resident rate: $15 for 12 words or fewer; each additional word 25 cents. Discounts are available for ads that run at least four weeks in a row without changes. Payment must be made at the time the ad is placed.
How to Place an Ad
Classified ads may be ordered over the phone by calling 562-431-6586, ext. 2383, or 562-430-0534 or emailed to debbiek@ lwsb. com (staff will call back for payment information and ad confirmation). Ads may also be placed in person at the LW Weekly office, 13521 St. Andrews Drive (two-story white building at the Amphitheater complex). The office is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
The LW Weekly classified advertising deadline is Monday at noon for that week’s Thursday edition. Deadline changes due to the holidays will be printed in the LW Weekly.