Staff trained in fi re suppression
GRF Health and Safety Specialist Eloy Gomez taught a safety class on portable fire extinugishers and hands-on fire supression to all Maintenance Yard staff this month.
Staff discussed the proper use of portable fire extinguishers, how and when to use them, and evaluating when to use fire extinguishers and when to evacuate. After the training, staff met outdoors to practice the hands-on portion where seven employees volunteered to show the rest of their team how easy it is to extinguish fires when done properly.
Fire safety and emergency supplies, including large and small fire extinguishers, are available for sale in the Purchasing Department, located in the Maintence Yard. Large fire extinguishers are $31.09; small extinguishers are $11.86.
GRF staff learned how to use fi re extinguishers during a December safety training.