Shuffl eboard Club ends year with a potluck
One ex-member of the Shuffleboard Club called recently to ask if she could attend the club holiday party saying, “the Shuffleboard Club always has the best Christmas parties!” This year was no exception. When the 47 members and guests walked into the room, the oohs and aahs were clear. Room 1 at Clubhouse 3 was gloriously decorated with traditional Christmas adornments.
Sally Fowler, a longtime dedicated club member, provides decorations, including table centerpieces. As usual, the handmade centerpieces were beautiful. People stood in a long line to buy a ticket for the chance to win one of the striking rolled-ribbon trees. This year the club charged double the price and was able to fund all of the party expenses.
The party was hosted by members Doris Morton and Ellie West. They were assisted by others who arrived early to get the set-up “just right” and to place Fowler’s decorations for maximum effect.
The buffet tables displayed many choices requiring multiple trips to the area for entrees, salads, and delicious desserts. As is the club tradition, the game Left-Right-Center was played after the meal. There were many excited winners, including Micki Aiello, Sandy Bush, Milly Larsen, Donna Perkins, Patty Peterson and Carol Schubeck.
There will not be any hosted open-play sessions at the courts until the new year. They will resume Jan. 6, and the winter leagues will begin Tuesday, Jan. 7 and Friday, Jan. 10.
—Kay Mount
Shuffl eboarders going all-in with their Christmas spirit include Judy Hulin (l-r), Anne Calvo, Bob Peterson, Harold Morehead, Teri James and Sandy Bush.
Roger Bennett