Duplicate Bridge Club
The Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club meets on Mondays and Fridays in Clubhouse 1 at 12:30 p.m. Reservations can be made at any game using the sign-up sheets. People can also call Linda Nye at (562) 453-6678 or email her at yuelingnye@yahoo. com no later than 10 a.m. on game day. Arrive by 12:15 p.m. to confirm reservations.
The winners of the Duplicate Bridge Club games for the week of Nov. 4 are:
• Nov. 4 (eight tables): North/South: Bud Parish-Sue Boswell (63.10%) and Nancy Toussaint-Walter Struch (51.79%); East/West: George Alemshah-Adair Paul (60.71%) and Shmuel Fisher-Thad Mikols (58.93%).
• Nov. 8 (six tables): North/South: Fred Reker-Patricia Hallock (61.50%) and Carol Murakoshi-Lavonne McQuilkin (52.00%); East/West: Adair Paul-Aarlyn Glenn (55.50%) and Thad Mikols-Marilyn McClintock (54.50%).
For complete results, including a list of all players and scores, go to the Long Beach Bridge Center results page at http://www. acblunit557.org and click on Leisure World Results. For club information, contact Howard Smith at (562) 598-6121 or howardnrobin@ gmail.com.
—Sue Fardette