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Member Column-Nothing’s Mundane

by Jon Michaels

LW contributor

Since I’m always struggling to figure out what my next piece will be, even the most mundane moments often get full consideration.

Because ya never know what minor incident can be expanded into a full humor piece.

Even if I have to pad it with meaningless prattle that drones on, and on, and on for the sole purpose of taking up space. And on.....

I was at the library recently and because the librarian was so helpful in making copies for me, after I’d put two bucks in the machine, I thought I’d be funny and offer her a nickel as a tip.

She said, “I’ll put that in the kitty change jar.” Terrific! And then, as I was walking away, she said, “There’s probably still more coins in the money changer,” which she could determine by looking at the display on the copying machine screen. So I hit the button on the change machine, and a dime popped out!

Wow, I donated a nickel to the library, and then I received a dime. Obviously, God works in mysterious ways. Praise the Lord! Let us all take a moment and reflect upon the life lesson that I learned on this day of rejoicing. Offer a nickel and receive a dime. Hosanna! Baruch Ata Adonai!

Proving once again that even the most dull and pedestrian moment can be stretched out into a semi-amusing humor piece in deft hands. And fingers.

Oh, one unrelated thing: I propose that we stop calling our community “Lee-zhur World.” With a long “e.” And instead call it “Lehzhur World.” With a short “e.” Leh-zure. Isn’t that more elegant?

Lee-zure rhymes with seizure. I prefer Leh-zhur. I don’t know about you, but I live in Pleasure World.

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