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Community Church

Community   Church Community   Church

Concerts at Community Church resume with Duo Syncopa, who will perform the music of Franz Schubert, Béla Bartók, Amy Beach, and Richard Strauss on Sunday, Nov. 17, at 3 p.m. at Community Church. Tickets are $20, seniors and students are $15. Refreshments will be served afterward.

Community Church has an “all are welcome” ticket policy; if the ticket price is a challenge, call the church office at 562431-2503 for a sponsored ticket. Those who want to buy a ticket for someone else can call the church office.

Sunday, Nov. 10, is the first Sunday of extended Advent. The theme for this year is “All In For the Kin-dom.” The season of Advent is a time of preparation before Christmas that has been celebrated two different ways over the centuries. Recently, Advent has been forgotten and replaced with the celebra-tion of Christmas sometimes beginning before Halloween. The season of extended Advent was developed to postpone the creep of Christmas. The pull of the kingdom is strong these days and much like the time of Jesus, believers are called to the Kin-dom and not the Kingdom.

Worship is on Sundays at 9:50 a.m. followed by a time of fellowship and light refreshments. People are welcome to come early for a cup of coffee in the narthex. All are welcome.

Community Church meets at 14000 Church Place in Leisure World. LWers are welcome to come to see what the “friendly church” is all about.

Violinist Yue Qian and pianist Tomomi Sato of Duo Syncopa.

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