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Sisterhood may be a factor in long-term weight management

Sisterhood may be a factor in long-term weight management Sisterhood may be a factor in long-term weight management


Wa-Rite is a female-only club that meets on Friday mornings from 9-10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8-8:45. Dues are $10 a year, plus 10 cents upon signing in. LW ID cards must be shown.

Women who want support on their weight-loss journey and to meet like-minded people are welcome to stop by.

The club lost a total of 13.5 pounds for the week of Oct. 13, with Jeanette Williams being the biggest loser with a 4-pound loss. Williams has also met her short-term goal for the second time, earning $10. When asked how she achieved the weight loss, she said that she was sick the past week and had a chicken soup to make her feel better.

Velma Sarna achieved her doctor of goal weight, reaching her long time goal, and keeping it off for three consecutive years. When she was quizzed about how she achieved her goals, it was typical of Sarna to attribute her success to the support she receives from the ladies of Wa-Rite, whom she sees as sisters, and eating smaller meals while standing.

The weekly food for thought was: “I am taking small steps toward my goal every day.”

—Jan Friedland

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