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Cribbage Club’s Donna Gorman gets perfect score

Cribbage Club’s Donna Gorman gets perfect score Cribbage Club’s Donna Gorman gets perfect score

The Cribbage Club meets every Tuesday at noon in Clubhouse 1. Refreshments are served each week from noon-12:15 and anyone arriving by 12:15 will be assured a place to play. A total of seven games are played. One dollar is collected from each player and those finishing in the top four scores are awarded prize money the following week. New players are always welcome.

Myrna Baker provided cake and ice cream in celebration of her birthday. Baker and Donna Gorman served the refreshments and Melinda Cowan provided mixed nuts and candies.

The winners for the week include: Donna Gorman, 847, first place with a perfect score, earning herself another star; Hoppy Hopkins, 843, second; Diane Holdaway, Minda Burkschab and Bob Berry, 833, third; Sharon Rutigliano and Darlene Meyers, 831, fourth.

For more information, call Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-2795665.

—Mary Holder

Myrna Baker had a birthday.

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