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LW Poetry

This feature showcases original poems by Leisure World residents. Send poems to Poetry submissions will run as space allows.

Common Scents

Olfactory glands are too often underrated, Fragrances and bouquets are seldom feted.

Different aromas are discussed and debated But here are the ones I’ve often advocated: Brewing coffee and frying eggs as you wake up Sausage and bacon sizzling and maple syrup Springtime strolling amidst freshly cut grass Filling up your tank when you’re pumping gas Peat wafting out of hearths on the Emerald Isle Or crackling wood in a fireplace is more your style Baking cornmeal and lime to make tortillas Citrusy perfume triggers in me romantic ideas Inhaling ocean air, or even British bus fumes Burning leaves outdoors as Old Man Winter looms Cooking steak on the grill in the evening’s moon Cherry blossoms in April and Jacarandas in June But I can state right here, and without duress Nothing’s headier than the sweet smell of success.

—Jon Michaels Mutual 1

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