Traveling Tigers Club
The Traveling Tigers will meet on Wednesday, Oct.16, at noon in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The meeting will begin with a potluck. Those who would like to participate should bring a dish to share and their own coffee cup. A short business meeting will follow at 1 p.m. and the presentation will begin approximately 1:15.
Debra Hall and Keith Brown will present their 2022 trip to Egypt, from Giza (Cairo) to Aswan, visiting many temples and amazing sites in between. They’ll share their local experiences: a buggy ride around the sphinx and pyramids, an overnight train from Cairo to Aswan, a riverboat from Aswan to Luxor, a hot air balloon ride at the Valley of the Kings, a desert car trip to the Osirion temple in Abidos and Hathor’s temple at Dendera.
Debra Hall visited Egypt.