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LW Korean Community Church

LW Korean Community Church LW Korean Community Church

The Bongbong Quartet is a vocal group formed in Korea in 1970. Elder Yoo Jun, who was active in the quartet, joined LW Korean Community Church (LWKCC) and serves as a choir member.

The Bongbong Quartet was famous for its soft vocal harmonies and attractive melodies. Their music had a profound influence on the Korean popular music scene at the time and was loved by many people.

Elder Yoo Jun, who serves the church at the age of 80 and leads worship with a beautiful voice, is still loved by many church members for his lowpitched voice. On his 80th birthday, church members celebrated his birthday by having a meal together.

LWKCC holds a Sunday worship service at 14000 Church Place every Sunday at 11:50 a.m. to “plant God’s will in the ground.” The early morning prayer service, led by the senior pastor, starts at 6 a.m., Tuesday-Saturday in the church sanctuary. For more information, call 714-323-0897 or email

Elder Yoo Jun (seated, left) celebrated his birthday with his family.

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