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Letters to the Editor


It occurs to me that Leisure World could make a huge contribution to stemming global warming by having solar panels installed on our units. There are probably incentives provided through the Inflation Reduction Act that would make this both feasible and doable with great benefits accruing to our planet, GRF’s bottom line and savings to us as individual owners.

I will be glad to help in any way I can.

Julie Ford-Maloney Mutual 6 Editor:

I recently bought a cell phone at a cell phone store and realized within 24 hours that I had been swayed by the agent and purchased a phone that was not right for me.

The next day, I returned to the store, was treated very rudely and was refunded only a fifth of what I had spent. I contacted my carrier, explained the circumstances surrounding the purchase and the return, and was told that I should receive a full refund. This did not happen.

Unfortunately, I had bought my phone from an “authorized dealer.” Authorized dealers are simply retail stores that contract to sell for your carrier; they are not true representatives of your carrier. Authorized dealers use a different billing system that cannot be accessed or altered by your carrier’s corporate financial department.

After hours in conference calls with the corporate office, sales rep, and myself, with corporate telling the sales rep that the store was at fault and I deserved a full refund, the rep flatly refused.

If I had bought from a corporate store, I would have gotten all my money back, but because I’d bought from an “authorized dealer,” the corporate office could not force the store to do anything.

My mistake cost me over $200, and my advice to everyone shopping for a cellphone is to check the sign above the door and if it says “authorized dealer,” make an about face and go find a corporate store.

Patricia Tilson Mutual 4 Editor:

Americans should heed the words of Republicans, administration insiders, conservatives, and world leaders who are closest to Donald Trump.

“He is a con artist,” according to Marco Rubio (Feb. 2, 2016).

“I think he’s toxic for the Republican Party and the country,” Larry Hogan (May 16, 2021).

“A frightened dog barks louder,” Kim Jong Un (Sept. 21, 2017).

“A floundering inarticulate jumble of gnawing insecurities,” George Will (May 9, 2018).

“Trump relentlessly put forth claims that are simply not true,” Ty Cobb (Sept. 27, 2023).

“A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators,” John Kelly (Oct. 2, 2023).

“We shouldn’t have listened to him,” Nikki Haley (Jan. 12, 2021).

An increasingly rattled Trump says, “Jews, if I lose then it’s your fault—and seniors, if you don’t vote for me, we’ll send you for corrective psychiatric treatment.”

He is wrecking the party with candidates like Mark (“black Nazi!”) Robinson and Bernie (abortion isn’t an issue for women past 50) Moreno.

Trump told us in 2016 we’d be tired of winning. I’m tired all right. I’m not going back.

Mark Bloomfield Mutual 4 Editor:

The presidential election is practically in the home stretch and this is one unlike any other, a very troubling one.

The Republican presidential candidate is a convicted felon and sex offender. He shouldn’t be running for presidency. He should be in jail where he belongs.

He is misleading his rally crowds with false claims and lies.

He doesn’t even know how tariffs function.

He is incapable of acting presidential, attacking his opponent by name calling. He just cannot shut his big mouth. He is a pathetic excuse for a man.

And he is clearly aiming to be a dictator, just like his best friend Putin.

He even wants to abolish the U.S. Constitution. He thinks it is useless.

In Russia, there is no opposition, no freedom, no choice. They kill any opposition.

Earlier this year, Putin killed a very popular and beloved opposition leader Alexei Navalny because he was for freedom for Russians.

We need to get in touch with your conscience and do the right thing by making a new way forward.

Ilona Denes Mutual 6

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