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Wa-Rite Club: Healthy body is a home for healthy soul

Wa-Rite Club: Healthy body is a home for healthy soul Wa-Rite Club: Healthy body is a home for healthy soul

Female residents who want to find support on their weight-loss journey and meet likeminded people are welcome to stop by one of Wa-Rite’s meetings.

Wa-Rite is a women-only club that meets on Friday mornings from 9-10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weighins are from 8-8:45. Dues are $10 a year, plus 10 cents upon signing in. Those dimes go to the person who lost the most weight that week. LW ID cards must be shown.

There will be no weigh-ins or meeting on Friday, Oct. 4.

On Sept. 20, the club summed up the total loss for a week, which came up to 20.5 pounds.

Judy Chambers, once again, was a top loser of the week with a loss of 4.5 pounds. Chambers said that making better, healthier choices and watching what she eats helped her lose weight.

Ellen Larson received her doctor of the goal weight title, which means that she reached her goal weight and kept it off for two years.

The speaker of the day was Lisa Brass who demonstated her latest Bed, Bath & Beyond kitchen gadget, Yonanas, that makes a healthy dessert from a frozen fruit that tastes like soft serve ice cream. She made a bowl of this scrumptious dessert for all attendees, which was a real treat minus the calories.

The meeting’s food for though was: “A healthy body is a home for a healthy soul.”

—Jan Friedland

Lisa Brass demonstrated her latest discovery: a kitchen gadget that makes low calorie desserts from a frozen fruit.

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