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Security camera upgrade to increase community safety

Security camera upgrade to increase community safety Security camera upgrade to increase community safety


by Ruth Osborn

Communications Director

At its Sept. 24 meeting, the GRF Board, on the recommendation of the Operations Committee, voted 15-0 to approve the expenditure of $460,407 to overhaul the community’s aging camera surveillance system.

The current CCTV camera system lacks coverage of key areas, and many cameras have limited view and capabilities.

Castle Defense/CBTS will replace the entire camera infrastructure, including replacing all cameras and mounting hardware, as well as installing a Network Video Recording System for a total of 16 separate Trust property locations. The project also includes labor for repairing and replacing the aging cabling infrastructure that has caused many cameras to persistently fail or perform poorly.

The newly designed security system will help make the community safer. Cameras can provide valuable evidence in the event of a crime; help monitor emergencies for quick response; protect property from vandalism and theft; document incidents and interactions, which can be useful for resolving disputes and assist in insurance claims; and increase public confidence in the safety of an area.

The total estimated bid amount was $449,188, minus a credit of $11,800 refunded from the design costs, for a total of $437,388. The money will come from reserve funds.

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