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Leisure Leggers

Leisure Leggers Leisure Leggers

Tom and Jeanne Pontac completed the local Tiki Beach 5K on Sept. 22 and placed in their age division. Tom was honored by the race director before the race, and went on to finish the race with applause and encouragement. Thriving at the age of 88 with Parkinson’s disease, Tom continues to prove that he may have Parkinson’s, but Parkinson’s doesn’t have him.

Six days after the Tiki Beach 5K, the Pontacs did the 5K Aloha Run in Long Beach, where Tom, once again, took a first place.

Join Tom and the Leisure Leggers, a running and walking club in Leisure World, every Monday at Clubhouse 6 at 8 a.m. for a brisk trot around the neighborhood, followed by coffee and camaraderie. Dues are 99 cents per year. Studies show that regular walking may prevent heart disease and strengthen the joints and bones.

For more information, call Tom Pontac at 562-304-0880.

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