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Hui O Hula

Hui O Hula Hui O Hula

Hui O Hula members recently danced for former Golden Age Foundation president Joyce Vlaic, who is moving to Rowntree Gardens in Stanton.

“We know she’ll fit in so well,” said Jojo Weingart. “It’s one of our favorite places. They are even welcoming her cat.”

Dancers will perform there on Dec. 6. Hui O Hula offers hula lessons on Tuesday upstairs in Clubhouse 6 from 1:15 p.m., and on Thursday outdoors at Veteran Plaza, also from 1:15. Class meets indoors in Clubhouse 3 during unsuitable weather. Bring socks or soft booties if dancing barefoot is difficult. All are welcome. For more class information, call 562-431-6308.

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