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Community Karaoke

Community   Karaoke Community   Karaoke

On Sept. 25, members of the Community Karaoke Club enjoyed 35 performers during its Wednesday night party.

The haunting melody of “September Morning” captivated the audience, sung by Chuck Oehl. Richard Yokomi pleased the group with the Motown ballad “Since I Lost My Baby.” Frank Miller nailed the hit “Things” by Bobby Darin.

The fiddle sound of “Amarillo by Morning” sung by David Noble is always popular. The happy song “Rasberry Beret” was well done by Bob Barnum. Sue Piippo charmed with the lively drum beat of “Doctor My Eyes.” Barbie May chose the blues country tune “I Threw Away the Rose.”

Folks were dancing to the rockabilly“Walk Right In” sung in duet by Judi Ornoff and Pat Paternoster. Another enjoyable duet was sung by Bruce and Flo Lee.

Folks say that the karaoke music sung by their friends and neighbors gives them a lift and they forget their troubles. Those who enjoy a variety of music are welcome to join the group in Clubhouse 1 each Wednesday night beginning at 5:30.

—Margie Thompson

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