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AES speakers addressed a packed house

The Emergency Information Council (EIC) hosted speakers from the AES Electricity Generating Plant on Sept. 16 in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, with speakers Director of Operations Jose Perez and General Manager Mark Miller.

The standing-room only crowd heard an overview of the neighboring battery facility which is about to turn on a second battery plant. The se­cond plant incorporates all the disaster mitigation features that have been learned in the several battery plant fires that have occurred in the last few years in the U.S. The main message however was that AES personnel will depend on local fire and city authorities to relay any warnings to Leisure World .

There was a question-andanswer period following the talk during which Miller fielded a variety of questions from residents. The speakers hadn’t previously visited Leisure World and went away with a better appreciation of who their neighbors are. For more information, visit or contact President Jackie Dunagan at

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