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Shuf. eboard Club

Shuf. eboard Club Shuf. eboard Club

The Shuffleboard Club met Sept. 12 for its general business meeting. Besides the usual order of business, co-president Micki Aiello announced that in a couple of weeks the sign-up sheets for shuffleboard tee-shirts will be available at the courts. There are three types of shirts available: short-sleeve crewneck, long sleeve, and a short sleeve polo shirt with an embroidered logo on the left shoulder. Aiello and Kay Mount will be the contacts for the shirt order.

Refreshments for the September meeting were provided by Ellie West in honor of her 90th birthday.

Club members often share with prospective new members that shuffleboard is not a high intensity sport. In fact, members range in age from mid-50s− mid-90s. If anyone wants to play and can stand for about half of a 50-minute game, shuffleboard is a way to become more active. Plus, the camaraderie between members is a major benefit of club membership. A good way to learn what shuffl eboard is all about is to attend one of the open-play sessions Monday and Wednesday mornings 9–11 or stop by the courts in the building behind Clubhouse 1 to watch league games, Friday mornings at 9:30 or Tuesday evenings at 6.

Contact co-president Karen Mendon at 562-822-0835 for more information.

—Kay Mount

Two offi cers of the LW Shuffl eboard Club celebrated major birthdays recently. Jack O'Brien (standing) celebrated his 94th birthday on Aug. 8, while Ellie West (r) celebrated her 90th birthday on Sept. 8. Both are loyal club members and contribute in numerous ways. In addition, Jean Cochran (l) has also passed her ninth decade.

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