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Rolando Ramirez aces the 104-yard 14th hole

Rolando Ramirez aces the 104-yard 14th hole Rolando Ramirez aces the 104-yard 14th hole


On Sept. 11—never forget— the Leisure Men’s Golf Club played under sunny skies and initially cool conditions at the Turtle Lake Golf Course. Fifty-five variously skilled golfers participated in three flights and vied for best gross and net (gross score minus handicap) scores, plus four circle holes (shots within a 5-foot circle rewarded) and two closest to the pin challenges.

The course had a few bare spots on the fairways and still some weedy areas on several greens. Moreover, the tee boxes are getting bare and muddy and show their wear after the heavy overnight watering. Golfers should remember to fix their divots and ball marks, and then fix one more.

Rolando Ramirez had a hole-in-one on the 104-yard 14th hole. Best net score of the round was Fernando Gumiran, at 9 under 45, followed by Bruce Bowles, 48, and Jack Haskins, 49. Closest to the pin on No. 8 was Dave LaCascia at 1 foot 10 inches and on No. 17 it was John Kolthoff at 1 foot 8 inches. Lowest gross scores were Bill Lyons at even par under 54, followed by Bob Barnum and Bowles at 55, then Pat Paternoster and Jun Um with 56. Even with good playing conditions, only 16 of the 55 rounds were net at or under par, yet there were 80 birdies and 16 circle hole winners.

All scores below are net (gross score minus handicap).

A flight winners (handicaps of 0-4): Ralph Koizumi and Seon Kim, first place; Don Newhall, second; Bob Johnston, third; Ramirez, fourth; Paternoster, Mike Mayfield and Seung Lee, fifth; Thomas Kim, Bob Barnum and Mark Rice, sixth.

B flight winners (handicaps of 5-11): Bowles, first place; Haskins, second; club president Ron Steele, third; LaCascia and Um, fourth; James Farr and Andrew Kim, fifth; 3 Peter Kim, Gene Archambault and Trai Nguyen, sixth; Won Song, seventh; Hyon Shin, eighth.

C flight winners (handicaps of 12–18): Gumiran, first place; Dennis Anctil, second; Steve Kang, third; James Choi and Won G. Park, fourth; Mike Carlson, Rick Reed and Ben Benjamins, fifth; Joe Alcaraz, sixth.

The next Men’s Club tournament will be Sept. 25, and then every second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The Guys and Gals tournament is played on the third and fifth Wednesdays of each month. Those who had planned to play and cannot should contact Scott Tuchfarber at 909-684-0426 or Alan Sewell 541-324-8558 as soon as possible. Arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled tee time and be ready to play.

—Dave LaCascia

Rolando Ramirez

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