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Letters to the Editor


Diane Stanton’s letter (Sept. 5) postulates that “democratic ideals destroy everything,” including education (it’s some Republicans who censor books, oppose LGBQT+ rights, and discussions about race), illegal immigration (Trump killed the bipartisan bill), inflation (old news, spiked three years ago), “transgendering” (Trump’s ridiculous claim that kids are offered surgery in schools), crime (FBI data says otherwise), and family (while Vance mocks childless women and fails to show up and vote on the child tax credit).

I fear these are reactions to the increasingly incoherent ramblings of the shark electrocution, Hannibal Lecter, election-denying obsessed candidate for the Republican Party. What’s in store for the felon and sex criminal? As Jesus says, “And then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” Mark Bloomfield Mutual 4 Editor:

I would like to express my appreciation for the gentle sarcasm of my friend Mark Bloomfield (Aug. 29). Let me see if I could add a few more comments to the Mark’s propaganda list, stating why we should go back. I think that we should go back because we love our country, the way it was and is, still. Where Godgiven rights are upheld, such as are listed in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, where our children are not subjected to political and sexual indoctrination in schools, where parental rights over their children are upheld and people’s rights over their own bodies are upheld, not to be made to be immunized against their own wishes. I would just like to add that we can vote ourselves into control under a socialist government, but can not vote ourselves out. Let us think about it before we vote.

Jovanka Radivojevic Mutual 6 Editor:

Regarding Earick Ward’s letter (Sept. 12) about the sudden marriage of RFK Jr. and Donald Trump. RFK and JFK are surely rolling over in their sacred graves at this unlikely alliance. RFK Jr. was muscled out of the Democratic Party because he embraced many conspiracy theories, his anti-vax position and for his uber-libertarian views. He was totally anti-Trump until then. Trump called him a lunatic. Now all of a sudden, they are bosom buddies. Their values and politics do not match up at all. This is a marriage of political convenience, retribution and opportunism only.

RFK Jr. dumped a dead bear in NYC’s Central Park to make it look like someone hit it with a bike, his bike, by the way. He also admitted that a worm ate part of his brain. You can’t make this stuff up. Now Trump is pushing that Haitian immigrants are stealing, cooking and eating their neighbor’s pets. Trump and RFK Jr. are not mentally fit to lead our country. Let’s make America great, healthy and sane again. Vote blue!

Brian Tivnan Mutual 5 Editor:

The U.S. Constitution was written in 1787. The Bill of Rights, including the second amendment, was written also in 1787 before the invention of repeating arms. All firearms were single shot and had to be reloaded after firing once. Reloading took 30-60 seconds requiring a patch, powder, a lead ball and ramrod. Mass killings by single shooters were not yet possible. We hear over and over again about the original intent of the Constitution but not much about the above pertinent facts. Could it be the Supreme Court is not 100% apolitical?

John Stipcich Mutual 10 Editor:

I know this is contrary to what everybody states, but I love the new gate system. It may not be cost-effective, but it sure is convenient. It’s easier, and I love the app.

The only thing I don’t love is the fact that we only have four permanent guests. If this great system can keep undesirables out more effectively, then why do we only have four permanent guests? Landmark in Huntington Beach has the same system, and it permits 20 permanent guests. I know Leisure World would think that is too much but what’s the matter with eight or 10? By the time you add your kids and grandkids, there’s no room for friends. You have to keep putting them on your guest list. I think in 2025 they need to increase the number of permanent guests to eight.

Adrianne Rosenfeld Mutual 14 Editor:

I’d like to give a standing ovation to Library Manager Taylor Greene and Library Operations Assistant Heather Kaveney. The AuthorSpeak series this summer has been outstanding. The variety has been very impressive. The refreshments are a special touch and hard to resist. Delicious cookies and pink lemonade this past week were a real treat! Thank you.

Janie von Seggern Mutual 9 Editor:

If you enjoyed the Wilbury Super Group on our Amphitheater stage July 4, please write in the “comments” section of the survey (page 3, Sept. 12) that you would like to have them back next summer. Also, you may have seen the Mick Jagger tribute performer at the Legends of Rock dances. He is the frontman for the Hollywood Stones tribute band. If you would like to see them on next year’s lineup, please post your request in the comments section. I think both bands would be great additions to the Amphitheater concerts.

Elesha Wadel Mutual 10

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