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Board will vote on point-to-point bus system Sept. 24


by Janet Isom

GRF President

Please come join us at next week’s monthly GRF Board meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 4.

The Board will vote whether to approve a plan that would revamp our current bus system to a pointto- point offering.

Transportation Manager Grant Winford has designed the plan to better meet the needs of the community using our new buses. There will be no smartphone app to use; just call to make your requests for rides. The service hours will be tailored to actual ridership.

You will be able to arrive at your destination in time for appointments and events, such as meetings and church.

Giving our residents the freedom to take advantage of all the opportunities here in our community is our end goal.

The Board welcomes your suggestions and comments: via email to or dropped off with the front desk staff or into the overnight box on the far right of the Administration Building.

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