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• Yield to bicyclists as ….

• Yield to bicyclists as you would motorists and do not underestimate their speed. This will help avoid turning in front of a bicyclist traveling on the road or sidewalk, often at an intersection or driveway.

• In parking lots, at stop signs, when backing up, or when parking, search your surroundings for other vehicles, including bicycles.

• Drivers turning right on red should look to the right and behind to avoid hitting a bicyclist approaching from the right rear. Stop completely and look left-right-left and behind before turning right on red.

• Obey the speed limit, reduce speed for road conditions and drive defensively to avoid a crash with a cyclist.

• Give cyclists room. Do not pass too closely. Pass bicyclists as you would any other vehicle— when it’s safe to move over into an adjacent lane. Bicyclists should remember:

• While riding a bicycle on a sidewalk, the rider shall yield the right of way to all pedestrians and shall not, under any circumstances, travel at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the safety of all pedestrians on the sidewalk.

• Bicycles may not be ridden within the confines of Clubhouses, and must be walked in internal corridors, under roof overhangs, and in breezeways.

• Bicycles operated during darkness should be equipped with all the lights and reflectors required by law.

• When operating a bicycle at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time, the rider shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.

• Bicycles should take care overtaking and passing another bicycle or pedestrian.

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