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Work study puts a spotlight on bicyclist issues in LW

Work study puts a spotlight on bicyclist issues in LW Work study puts a spotlight on bicyclist issues in LW


A work study was recently carried out regarding the issues and concerns of expediting bicycle entry into the community.

After this discussion, some proposed procedures were discussed, including reverting to the old system where bicyclists will be able to obtain a new bicycle decal that will be issued annually at the Decal Office, and this would be used to verify entry. Other processes were discussed and are currently being reviewed.

One of the most significant requests of the attendees was enhanced information to be sent out to the community regarding the rights and responsibilities of both drivers and bicyclists. The following information is crucial to driver and cyclist safety in LW: Drivers Sharing the Road with Bicyclists

• Bicycles have the same rights and responsibilities as people behind the wheel of a vehicle. • Yield to bicyclists as you would motorists and do not underestimate their speed. This will help avoid turning in front of a bicyclist traveling on the road or sidewalk, often at an intersection or driveway.

• In parking lots, at stop signs, when backing up, or when parking, search your surroundings for other vehicles, including bicycles.

• Drivers turning right on red should look to the right and behind to avoid hitting a bicyclist approaching from the right rear. Stop completely and look left-right-left and behind before turning right on red.

• Obey the speed limit, reduce speed for road conditions and drive defensively to avoid a crash with a cyclist.

• Give cyclists room. Do not pass too closely. Pass bicyclists as you would any other vehicle— when it’s safe to move over into an adjacent lane. Bicyclists should remember:

• While riding a bicycle on a sidewalk, the rider shall yield the right of way to all pedestrians and shall not, under any circumstances, travel at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the safety of all pedestrians on the sidewalk.

• Bicycles may not be ridden within the confines of Clubhouses, and must be walked in internal corridors, under roof overhangs, and in breezeways.

• Bicycles operated during darkness should be equipped with all the lights and reflectors required by law.

• When operating a bicycle at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time, the rider shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.

• Bicycles should take care overtaking and passing another bicycle or pedestrian.

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