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LW Korean Community Church

Leisure World Korean Community Church (LWKCC) held an outdoor service at the Clubhouse 1 picnic area on Sept. 1. It was a special experience to worship and praise God under the green trees and blue sky. Church members said they could feel their hearts and souls growing closer to God amidst the beauty of nature. It was a time for members to reflect on their lives and faith while looking at this wonderful world that God created.

Pastor Jang Young Yong’s sermon titled, “You Shall Not Lack Anything,” was about Jesus’ words to his followers.

Members said they could feel themselves growing closer to other members while worshipping in nature. As people prayed and praised together, they saw each other’s faces and realized the importance of the community.

After the service, LWKCC had a barbecue lunch. There was also a dedication to the volunteers who served the congregation. It was a time when people could feel the assurance of salvation through the love of Jesus. Through this special service.

LWKCC holds a Sunday worship service in the sanctuary every Sunday at 11:50 a.m. to “plant God’s will in the ground.” Early morning prayer service is held at the sanctuary, led by senior pastor Yong at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays through Saturdays.

The church is next to St. Andrew’s gate at 1400 Church place. For more information, call 714-323-0897 or email

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