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Letters to the Editor


Let’s turn back to some of the great documents and thinkers that have gone before us. Our constitution was based on centuries of common law, amplifi ed by the Bill of Rights and carefully defined by Supreme Court decisions.

These documents were put forth by people of courage, uncommon foresight and caring. Ours is a history of developing the rule of law, confidence that each vote will be counted, accepting the results of each election and security that our interests will be protected.

Ours is a history of expanding civil rights, supporting and revering our military and working with our allies to make living conditions better for all people. Until recently, ours is a history of increasing medical accessibility. Our test is now. What type of world will we leave to future generations?

Jana Rogers Mutual 7 Editor:

Here are recent excerpts from RFK Jr: “I began this journey as a Democrat, the party of my father, my uncle, the party which I pledged my allegiance to long before I was old enough to vote. The party in the past was full of champions of the constitution of civil rights, stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against imperialism and unjust wars.

“This is no longer the case.” “The Democrats have become the party of censorship, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Money, and more.”

RFK epitomized the party of his father and uncle. That party is dead. The current Democrat Party is Marxist.

From RFK: “This party is the same party that concealed the cognitive decline of the sitting president. Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, they installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.”

They lied about Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities and installed a candidate who maintains her own cognitive deficiencies.

From RFK: “They (Jack and Bobby) would be astonished

LETTERS, page 5 to learn of a Democrat Party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters in 35 days.”

Kamala Harris recently appeared on CNN and exposed the reason that she has not spoken extemporaneously to date, her comments were dumber than mud. I don’t believe in everything that RFK stands for, but he’s right on the money here. Make America great (and healthy) again.

Earick Ward Mutual 7

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