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Learn a new line dance on first Thursdays of the month

Learn a new line dance on first Thursdays of the month Learn a new line dance on first Thursdays of the month


Joyful Line Dance Club meets on Thursday mornings in Clubhouse 2 from 10-10:30 for beginners, and from 10:30noon for intermediate dancers. The last 30 minutes of the class are dedicated to more advanced dances. Athletic or dancing shoes are required.

On the first Thursday of the month, the instructors introduce a new dance. This month, members are learning “Elvis Medley” under the direction of Karen Kei. Instructor Albert Comia also added a variety of new dances.

To become a member, the club is requesting a nominate donation. For more information, text Anna Derby at 562301-5339.

Joyful Line Dance members learn new steps on the first Thursday of every month.

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