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Facilities Committee Recap

by Ruth Osborn

Communications Director

The Golden Rain Foundation Facilities Committee met Sept. 3. The following are meeting highlights.

Maintenance Yard EV Charging Station

The Facilities Committee voted to recommend that the GRF Board approve a change order to allow Control Engineering to implement unexpected design requirements by Southern California Edison in the project to build EV charging stations at the Service Maintenance Yard. The charging stations are needed to supply power for new service carts that will be arriving soon. The carts are replacing obsolete, gas-powered Cushmans. The change order cost will not to exceed $6,500, capital funding.

Exterior Paint: Administration Clubhouse 2, HCC

The Facilities Committee voted to recommend that the GRF Board approve a $28,800 contract with Hutton Painting to paint the exterior of the Administration, Clubhouse 2 and the Health Care Center buildings. The Facilities Department sent out requests for proposals to six contractors, and three returned bids. Hutton was the lowest. With a 10% contingency, the total project cost would be $31,680.

The exterior Painting bids will be returned to the next meeting with more information. The money for the project was set aside in reserve funds.

Stop Sign Installation

The committee voted to recommend that the board approve almost $3,500 to install stop signs at Canoe Brook and El Dorado drives and Church Place and Thunderbird Drive.

Service Maintenance Tractor

A motion was passed to recommend the GRF Board to approve a purchase of a John Deere model 4044M for the Service Maintenance Department for an amount not to exceed $42,756. The money for the project was set aside in reserve funds.

HVAC Replacement

The committee voted to award a $9,650 contract to Greenwood Heating and Air to replace the heating and air conditioning unit in Clubhouse 3, Room 5. The money for the project was set aside in reserve funds. This is an emergency replacement and will be ratified at the next GRF BOD Meeting.

The GRF Board’s next regular meeting will be held at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 24, at Clubhouse 4.

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