Cribbage Club
The Cribbage Club meets each Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. New players are always welcome. A dollar is collected from each member before play begins. Members who come by 12:15 p.m. are assured of a place at the table. Announcements are shared at 12:25 p.m. and seven games are played beginning at 12:30 p.m.
Bob Berry and Julie Milburn each celebrated their September birthdays by treating all the members of Cribbage Club to cake and ice cream at the Sept. 3 gathering. Potsy Frank and Suzanne Parker served everyone present the special treats.
The first-place winner was Marsha Larson with a total score of 838; Potsy Frank, Drew Sargent and Suzanne Parker, 830, second; Grace Holdaway, 831, third; Franca Yeske, 819, fourth.
For more information, call Marilyn Chelsvig at 562-2795665.
—Marilyn Chelsvig
Bob Berry (l) and Julie Milburn celebrated birthdays.