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Shuffleboard Club picnic was a huge success

Shuffleboard Club picnic was a huge success Shuffleboard Club picnic was a huge success

The Shuffleboard Club picnic on Aug. 24 was a huge success with 52 members and guests in attendance. Smoked tri-tip was provided by the club and expertly smoked by members Sue and Minda Burkschab. Many side dishes and desserts were contributed by members. Members were generous in purchasing opportunity tickets. Five attendees won $9 each and the club added $41 to its budget.

Fall league rosters and schedules were handed out. For those not in attendance, copies will be available at the courts building. League play starts on Sept. 20 for the Friday morning league and Sept. 24 for the Tuesday evening league.

For something new, there will be training sessions for new and veteran captains so that everyone is on the same page with record keeping. Along with training captains, team members are encouraged to come and practice with their teams. The Tuesday night league will meet on Sept. 10 and 17 at 6 p.m. and Friday morning league members will meet at 9 a.m. on Sept. 6 and 13 in the courts building.

September open play times are Monday and Wednesday from 9-11 a.m. These sessions are open for residents who want to check out shuffleboard. Members can use this time to refine their skills in preparation for league play and enjoy the camaraderie of friends. All equipment is provided, and a partner is not necessary. Closed toed shoes are required for the safety of all players.

For more information, leave a message for Karen Mendon at 562-822-0835 or via text.

—Karen Mendon

Minda Burkschab (l-r), Micki Aiello, Karen Mendon and Sue Burkschab helped make the recent Shuffleboard Club picnic a success.

Roger Bennett

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