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LW Women’s Golf Club

LW Women’s Golf Club LW Women’s Golf Club

Thirty-seven LW Women’s Golf Club players assembled for the weekly nine hole Tuesday tournament on Aug. 28. Play for the day was low gross, low net and chip-ins. A chip-in is defined as getting one’s ball in the hole from off the green.

A flight winners: Low gross: Linda Herman, Lisa Kim and Sue Choi, 29; low net: Patty Littrell, Sang An, Nancy Tye, Hae Lee and Sally Park, 26; chip-ins: Patty Littrell, 5; Nancy Tye, 1 and 9; Veronica Choi, 4 and 5.

B flight winners: Low gross: Chong Hee Kim, 32; low net: Grace Choi, 24; chip-in: Chong Hee Kim, 7.

C flight winners: Low gross: Sue Yokomi, 31; low net: Vivian Ceballos, 21; chip-ins: Vivian Ceballos, 6 and Sue Elliot, 3.

D flight winners: Low gross: Neva Senske, 35; low net: Mary Devlin, 25.

—Linda Herman

Grace Kim (l) and Ann Tran checking in for the tournament.

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