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LW Scrabble Club meets Wednesdays in CH 3

The Leisure World Scrabble Club meets every Wednesday in Clubhouse 3, Room 5, from 1-4 p.m. During August play, the members combined for 64 scores above 300. Eleven of the totals were higher than 400 and one topped 500. There were 36 bingos (i.e. the use of all seven tiles in one move).

Larry Edgar had 15 scores above 300, including four that topped 400 and three bingos. His best game was a 439. Jim Schneiderman exceeded 300 10 times and recorded five bingos. His two best scores were both 346s.

Diane Seeger had eight games higher than 300, of which two were above 400. She had two bingos and a best score of 445. Sylvia Makus bettered 300 five times and posted two bingos. Her high score was a 383.

Bob Ruderman topped 300 four times on the strength of six bingos. His best score was a 404. Marilyn Moody and Donna Perkins each had three scores above 300. Their respective high scores were 378 and 346.

Myrna Loscuadro had the club’s best score for the month, a 506. She had one other score above 300 and one bingo. Wanda Bemben exceeded 300 twice. The higher of those scores was a 341. Maria Giegerich had one score of an even 300.

—Larry Edgar

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