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Letters to the Editor


During the Aug. 28 GRF Town Hall, I asked if the cost of the 120-plot mini farms was over $600,000 and was told that the cost was $630,000 for phase 1, and that phase 2 will be voted on soon. That’s a lot of tomatoes, folks, and it ain’t over yet. I asked if the new stoplight install was $347,000 and was told it was not that much.

When I asked how much, I was told it was $340,000. However, a LW resident told me that a second $20,000 study of this light will be voted on at an upcoming GRF Board meeting. Few of the GRF staff members live here and show no regard for how much money they spend. If you are furious about the out-of-control spending by GRF, get to the monthly GRF meetings held on the fourth Tuesday at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 4, and demand that the GRF stop now.

Jane Copeland Mutual 7 Editor’s Note: The Community Garden has 246 plots and was approved by the GRF Board on the recommendation of an ad hoc committee comprised of board members and residents and after a comprehensive look at other possible uses for the site. The original plan, which included fencing and soil amendments among other options, was cut to a bare minimum. There is no pending Phase 2 improvement plan for the Community Garden. Also, the GRF Board recently approved a $347,691 improvement to the intersection of Golden Rain Road and St. Andrews Drive. There is no “second $20,000 study” related to this project, which includes a new stoplight, plus a reconfiguration of the intersection to allow for a dedicated pedestrian cross in accordance with recommendations from traffic safety engineers. Attention to safety issues helps mitigate liability insurance costs and lawsuits, as well as keep Leisure World a secure place to live. GRF staff are charged with carrying out the GRF Board’s approved projects. All projects require the approval of the resident-elected board.

Editor: Four out of four letters from last week were for Democrats and Kamala Harris. Is there something wrong with this picture?

It saddens me how people keep voting Democrat. Democratic ideals destroy everything they touch, family (parenting), Christianity (mocking), economy (inflation), and education (woke teaching in school).

Democratic government is responsible for rampant crime (defund the police), massive illegal immigration and giving confused minors life altering surgery (transgendering).

I am definitely not wild about the Republican Party either, and I wish Trump would shut up sometimes, but he has my vote. As Jesus says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Diane Stanton Mutual 3 Editor:

One thing I notice over and over again is that the people here in Leisure World with strong opinions about government and politics can be very vocal but are noticeably lacking when it comes to explaining their sources of information. A question I like to ask them is, do you read much about history or economics? Invariably, their answer is no.

They don’t seem to think that is important to being well informed. Another question I like to ask is, have you ever read the history of the first Constitutional Convention and what went on there? Invariably again, the answer is no. An old saying I think, fits in here very well and that is: The less you read, the the less you know. The less you know, the more you think you know. The more you think you know, the harder it is to learn anything.

John Stipcich Mutual 10 Editor:

We all hold members of our armed forces in the highest regard.

They are without question the bravest among us.

During my working years, I was fortunate to publish and befriend a veteran, Capt. Jerry Yellin. When he passed, I attended his funeral at Arlington National Cemetery.

This was an overwhelmingly somber and humbling experience for me. The photographs of a nominee for president of the USA grinning and flashing a “thumbs up” on this hallowed ground nauseated this Republican.

I implore all voters to consider the implications of such self serving behavior. The choice is clear.

Mark Bloomfield Mutual 4 Editor:

Vandalism in LW?

A friend told me that she posted an election sign. When she awoke the next morning, the sign had been spray painted black.

This is not a political issue. It is vandalism, and it is illegal.

Joseph Soter Mutual 1

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