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Tips to Prepare for Flu Season

Tips to Prepare for   Flu Season Tips to Prepare for   Flu Season

About one billion people around the world get a seasonal flu each year. The best thing people can do to reduce their risk of getting the flu is to get vaccinated. Each year, the flu vaccine is designed based on which strand of influenza the researchers anticipate will be the most prevalent in a given year.

In addition to getting vaccinated, people can consider the following tips:

• Steer clear of close contact.

People who are sick can avoid close contact with others to safeguard them from the flu.

People who live or work with those who have the flu can avoid close contact as well.

• Don't be a hero. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges anyone who is sick with the flu to stay home until the illness subsides. Avoid going to work and running errands to help prevent the virus from spreading.

• Coverup.Thefluvirusspreads primarily through droplets produced when people cough, sneeze or talk. When around others, cover your mouth and nose. Coughing and sneezing should be done in the cradle of one’s elbow.

• Routinely wash your hands and make it a habit. This is especially important when returning home from places such as grocery stores, gyms and restaurants. Washing • handswithsoapandwaterfor at least 20 seconds can help get rid of germs. If soap and water is not available,use an alcohol-based hand rub.

• Avoidtouchingtheeyes,nose or mouth. Germs spread when people touch contaminated surfaces or objects and then touch their face.


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