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Member Column-Feeling Grateful for the Time

by Mitch Cohen

LW contributor

As I reach around and pass 85 years, I wonder what life will be beyond the torch I’ve held for all these years.

As I stumble and tumble toward the remaining 14 years hopefully will be given to me, I gaze through the newly cleaned windows of my condo, and enjoy the bright morning, and wonder how many more will I be able to enjoy.

I do realize that each crystal morning works by God’s hand, and I appreciate each one.

The morning light breaks the night and darkness withdraws to return at a later time, how many more, how many more.

As I face the remaining 15 years that I am allowed to walk through, maybe even dance to I just wonder.

What a joy it will be to ease toward the finish 15 years with ease and a proper attitude.

The happiness of the past 85 have been joyful and tremendously happy. When my twilight does descend as I ride the rails of life, I will be grateful with a happy heart, as I feel lucky to have had a great family and great companions throughout.

I remain passionate thinking of the fortune I received in a bride of love and devotion of over 55 years; the children we raised have been a constant joy, and they remain so.

I would present you with moments of difficulty but would run out of pen and ink to do so.

Spilling forth from my heart, know my happiness of knowing you.

Extend your life by giving, devoted to our shared memories.

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