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LW America First Republican Club

By Hope Horning and Brian Harmon

LW contributors

Leading up to Election Day, Nov. 5, America First-Republican Club volunteers will distribute a voter guide with information about local, county, state and national candidates. The guide is designed with a door hanger so the card can be placed on a door knob until a resident’s vote-by-mail ballot arrives in early October. The guide makes voting simple with all the candidates listed on one card and also provides a contact name and phone number to get more information to:

• Check voter registration.

• Answer any questions about the sample ballot.

• Help those who need assistance marking their ballots.

• Pick up residents’ ballots and take it directly to the voter offi ce in Santa Ana.

• Provide a ride to an in-person voting location.

The club is looking for volunteers to knock on doors and make phone calls for the upcoming elections, as well as staff the club booth. Sign up to volunteer at the club booth or come to a monthly meeting on the third Wednesday in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 5:30 p.m. The club booth is at the Clubhouse 6 parking lot and is open every Monday and Wednesday with Trump yard signs, flags, buttons, and other political paraphernalia available.

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