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Letters to the Editor


To comment on the controversy in connection with Vice President Kamala Harris’ first name, I have the same thing with my first name. I recognized early on that in my native language, the stress is on the first syllable in a word, and in American-English, it is on the second syllable.

It comes to people so naturally, that they not even realize it. Rather than correcting every single person over and over, I accepted it and started pronouncing it the same way. One thing I just recognized, fairly recently, was that I was doing it in reverse. Certain words, mostly two syllable, simple words, I had to repeat several times for people to understand me, such as chaos, names like Lois, Lola, etc. I am surprised that none of the linguists stepped in to explain it. But what I worry about is while we are wasting time arguing about it, “Rome burns.”

Jovanka Radivojevic Mutual 6 Editor:

Regarding Jana Rogers’ letter (Aug. 1), I totally agree with the letter, which stated President Joe Biden’s decision not to run for re-election. This, indeed, was a very generous, principled, patriotic decision and that decision must have been one of the hardest he had to make as a public servant in his long service to his beloved country.

Yes, maybe he should have made the decision earlier but he didn’t. And yes, his mental decline has been an issue for some time, but so is his opponent’s on the other side, not much behind in any shape or form, except President Biden is a winner.

And it shows by putting is beloved country first, instead of his own self, unlike his opponent.

Ilona Denes Mutual 6


This is what I ask of my fellow residents of Leisure World: Are you interested in the future of our country? Of course you are. We all are: our families, our neighbors, our friends. The one way to help the United States of America stay on the path of democracy, as patterned by our founders, is with your vote.

As the wonderfully brave patriot, John Lewis, said, “Your vote is precious, almost sacred.” He marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, was beaten and bloodied, but that awful anti-American treatment did not deter him. He remained positive and strongly pro-American all his life. He set a great example for all of us. And this is your chance to do the same.

The time is coming soon to cast your vote. It is my sincere hope that you will cast it for Kamala Harris and for Democrats up and down the ballot. It is important to let politicians know how you feel. Your vote is the way. Your vote is your power. In unity there is strength.

Lynne Burt-Jenkins Mutual 7 Editor:

I must concur with my friend Jovanka Radivojevic’s comment in her letter (Aug. 22). What a mess our country is in! Women’s rights to make decisions regarding their bodies have been stripped away by Trump’s Supreme Court. A border crisis persists because a bipartisan bill written by conservative Sen. Lankford was killed by Trump for his own political gain. Gun violence plagues us because common sense red flag laws are opposed by the NRA. A convicted felon who fomented a riot to overturn a lawful election is standing for election as president. We’re not going back.

Mark Bloomfield Mutual 4

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