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Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore

On Sunday, Aug. 25, the congregations of Redeemer Lutheran Church and St. Theodore of Canterbury Episcopal Church will celebrate the 14th Sunday after Pentecost with Bishop Murray Finck presiding at the 10:30 a.m. Communion and worship service, gathering at 13564 St. Andrews Drive.

Nancy Anderson will be the lesson reader, Carol Costello is the prayer leader, and there will be a special solo by Mickey Costello on the guitar.

Fellowship will follow service in the Fellowship Hall, where coffee, tea and snacks will be provided. All are welcome.

The congregation continues to collect donations of canned and boxed foods for the hungry.

The Bible study will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 28, from noon-1:30 p.m. to continue its study on the Book of Jonah. Bishop Murray Finck will lead the discussion. All are welcome to attend. Bring friends, the Bible and study book, and a lunch.

On Sunday, Sept. 8, the Congregations will participate in the Lutheran outreach “God’s Work. Our Hands.”

On the fourth Sunday of August comes the big question from Jesus. This week’s lesson begins with the promise that Jesus is the bread of life and by partaking of this, Christians get eternal life.

Jesus recognizes that what he is saying is difficult, and he is compassionate and sorrowful with his followers. He tries to walk them slowly through the logic of his statements. He does a little foreshadowing but realizes that not all of them will continue with him. He finally goes to his stalwart 12 disciples and asked if they would continue with him.

The disciple Peter, gives him the perfect answer: “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God,” John 6:68-69.

This week, members are encouraged to take a look at their own reactions to these passages and ask When have you doubted? What brought you back or answered your questions? Do you still have doubts? Who is Jesus? Is he the bread of life? What do you believe about Holy Communion? What does the Church teach about the presence of Jesus in Holy Communion?

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