DANCING FEET CLUB The/Dancing/Feet/Club/dancers/are/warming/up/for/their/performance/of/"Umbrella"/ and/"Cha/Cha/Twist"/line/dances/this/Sunday,/AugW/e5,/at/the/club's/social/ballroom/ ….
The/Dancing/Feet/Club/dancers/are/warming/up/for/their/performance/of/"Umbrella"/ and/"Cha/Cha/Twist"/line/dances/this/Sunday,/AugW/e5,/at/the/club's/social/ballroom/ and line dancing event. The club meets on Mondays for line dancing lessons and practice from 7-9 p.m., and on fourth Sundays for a social (ballroom) and line dancing from 6-9:30 p.m. Both events are held in Clubhouse 2. Those who have the passion for dancing are welcome. Come dressed to impress and bring your favorite snacks and drinks. Alcohol is not allowed. Admission is free. For more information, text Ed Bolos at 551-998-4223.