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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

Bountiful birthday wishes were received by the charismatic couple, Dorothy Ferrington and Ray Geierman, at the Aug. 14 karaoke night. Yummy sandwiches and ripe cherries were consumed during the evening as the audience was entertained by 35 karaoke singers.

Sam Williamson chose “Not Meant to Be” by an English rock band. A new performer, Dotti Herdman, uplifted the audience with “Under the Boardwalk.” Tony Tupas sang a beautiful song from the 1950s “Earth Angel.” Listeners enjoyed the beat of “Sugar Town” sung by Dotti Brooks. Linn Atkinson, one of the founders of the Community Karaoke Club, sang a lovely “Talking in my Sleep.”

All are welcome to join as singers or audience members at the club’s Wednesday karaoke nights in Clubhouse 1 from 5:30-9:30. It’s a social evening. Karaoke is a joy for singers who overcome their fear of performing and have fun singing for their neighbors.

—Margie Thompson

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