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Author of ‘Gentleman Spy’ mystery romance series to speak Sept. 6

Author of ‘Gentleman Spy’ mystery romance series to speak Sept. 6 Author of ‘Gentleman Spy’ mystery romance series to speak Sept. 6


The LW Library will hold an AuthorSpeak event Friday, Sept. 6, at 11 a.m. next to the Library at Veterans Plaza.

Bianca Schwarz, author of the “Gentleman Spy” mystery romance series, which includes books such as “The Innkeeper’s Daughter,” will speak about her writing career and novels. The series is filled with danger, intrigue, love, and dastardly villains that keep the pages turning.

Publisher’s Weekly said, “Schwarz launches her ‘Gentleman Spy Mysteries’ series with an immersive and suspenseful regency romance. The magnetic love scenes and enticing mystery will have readers eagerly anticipating the next installment.”

Books will be available for purchase in partnership with bookstore Mystery Ink.

The presentation begins promptly at 11 a.m. People can arrive as early as 10:30 to enjoy refreshments provided by the library.

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