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To Our Readers

In keeping with its desire to foster a diversity of viewpoints, the LW Weekly will continue to print political letters to the editor and accept political advertising. As we enter the election season, controversial letters are increasing.

The Perspectives section will remain a community forum for all voices: the majority, the minority, the independents, the dissenters, the contrarians, the rebels.

It is not the LW Weekly that determines the complexion of this page. It is our valued letter writers, who are entitled to freely express their opinions.

Opinions are defined as views or judgments formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Often, heartfelt opinion and facts-without-context commingle in a fuzzy, gray area that defies full verification of information.

While GRF policy does not require staff to fact check letters, we try—or ask writers for sources of information—when possible. Sometimes mistakes are made, and then, they are corrected.

All political advertising will be clearly marked as such and will follow state election rules and GRF policy.

Political speech is one of the most protected forms of discourse in our society.

It is at the core of the First Amendment and includes speech concerning “politics, nationalism, religion or other matters of opinion,” according to the Supreme Court, which has stated that the ability to criticize the government and government officials is central to the meaning of the First Amendment.

So, no matter where you stand on the political spectrum, we welcome your opinion because a free society is dependent on the expression of all ideas. We ask you to focus on the issues, not the letter writers. Speak for yourself. Use “I,” not “we.”

Be tolerant of each other. Civility and respect will reinforce the community unity that makes Leisure World special and creates a fair haven for all.

Letters can be no longer than 250 words and will run as space allows. Send them to

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