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Tickets on sale for Mardi Gras event

Tickets on sale for Mardi Gras event Tickets on sale for Mardi Gras event


Get tickets now for the Woman’s Club yearly fundraiser, which will be a Mardi Gras-themed celebration featuring entertainment by Anthony Hernandez, a nationally known illusionist whose magic is interactive and overflowing with comedy and charm.

The event will be held Saturday, Sept. 21, in Clubhouse 2. Doors open at 11 a.m. to view prizes and speak with the Woman’s Club sponsors.

The dining area will open at 11:30 a.m., and lunch will be served at noon.

Tickets, $40, include the catered buffet luncheon, raffles and entertainment. To purchase tickets, call Jan Kuhl at 562-446-0082. Bus service will be available between 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Dress is country club casual or really get into the spirit of the event by wearing bling and party clothing. All are welcome for a a fun afternoon.

—Jan Kuhl

Nationally known illusionist Anthony Hernandez will entertain at the Woman's Club Mardi Gras fundraiser Sept. 21.

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