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St. Theodore & Redeemer Lutheran

On Sunday, Aug. 18, the congregations of Redeemer Lutheran Church and St. Theodore of Canterbury Episcopal Church will be celebrating the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Bishop Murray Finck will preside. The 10:30 a.m. Communion and Worship Service meets at 13564 St. Andrews Drive in Leisure World.

Cedric Elmer and Sharon Heck will be play a piano duet. This medley of “Simple Gifts” and “Holy, Holy, Holy” will be played in memory of Jerry Brady.

Nancy Anderson is the reader. Tea and cookies will be available afterward in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome.

As always, people are welcome to bring canned and boxed foods to donate for the hungry.

A Bible study on the Book of Jonah will be held Wednesday, Aug. 21, from noon-1:30 p.m. Bishop Murray Finck will lead the discussion. Bring friends, a Bible and book, and lunch if desired.

Jesus ended his declaration last Sunday by going a step forward: not only is he the bread of life but that his own flesh is that bread. This Sunday’s Gospel begins with this statement and continues with more questions from his followers. That step further has them all questioning his sanity. For them, it makes no sense. Jesus is the connection to eternal life.

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