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Sally Park scores a hole-in-one on No. 8 Aug. 6

Sally Park scores a hole-in-one on No. 8 Aug. 6 Sally Park scores a hole-in-one on No. 8 Aug. 6


The weekly Women’s Golf Club tournament was held at the Turtle Lake Golf Course Aug. 6 at 7:30 a.m. with 40 women participating. Play for the day was low gross, low net and circle hole on No. 8. Sally Park provided the highlight of the morning with a hole-in-one on No. 8.

A flight winners: Low gross: Veronica Chang, 25; low net: Patty Littrell, 22; circle hole, Sally Park.

B flight winners: Low gross: Chang Hee Kim, 26; low net: Pam Krug and MaryAnn Moore, 23; circle hole: Pam Krug.

C flight winners: Low gross: Nancy Smith, 32; low net: Sanghi Kim, 24; circle hole: Sue Elliot.

D flight winners: Low gross: Sue Sloan, 31; low net: Connie Kang, 22.

—Linda Herman

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