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GRF Physical Property Manager Kevin Black to speak

GRF Physical Property Manager Kevin Black to speak GRF Physical Property Manager Kevin Black to speak


GRF Physical Property Manager Kevin Black will speak to Sunshine Club on Friday, Aug. 16, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 10 a.m.

Black will talk about his role in the Physical Property Department.

Black began his tenure with the GRF over 31 years ago. At that time he was hired as a plumber in the Service Maintenance Department. In 2003, there was an opportunity for advancement in the Physical Property Department which he applied for and was promoted to Physical Property Inspector.

Among many assignments, the Physical Property Department handles a variety of issues pertaining to code compliance, permits and safety concerns. As Physical Property manager, he oversees all of the department inspectors.

Staff duties include being involved in all building processes, whether new construction or repairs for both interior and exterior. They oversee the processing of all building permits, preparing specifications, assist when processing bid packets and for contracts for special Mutual projects as well as GRF projects.

Black will also talk about his extensive experience in LW and his involvement in many community improvement projects. He currently holds an ICC California Building Inspector License and a C-36 Plumbing License issued by the California Licensing State Board. Black is currently working on obtaining his CMCA certification.

All residents are welcome to join this meeting.

The Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome. People are asked to arrive promptly so as not to disturb the speaker’s presentation. Those who arrive late are asked to quietly use the backdoor.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at 562-301-- 5339.

—Anna Derby

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