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Party’s endorsed candidate for the position.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is now the Democratic Party’s official candidate for election as vice president. Support for the Harris/ Walz candidacy will also be a topic for discussion at the meeting.

Thanks to club members and supporters who have already contributed a record-breaking amount in response to the club’s annual fund-raising efforts. Money raised in this campaign, which officially ends today, Aug. 15, will be used exclusively for direct candidate support and voter outreach.

LW residents interested in helping to elect Democratic downballot candidates, as well as Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, should email or call 805-588-5141.

The club’s monthly Voter Education Series will meet Wednesday, Aug. 21, in Clubhouse 3, Room 3, at 1 p.m.

Participants are invited to come share their experiences— both positive and negative—that will assist the group in developing language to use (or not use) in talking about issues and candidates during the critical weeks leading up to the Nov. 5 election. Advance reservations are not required, but more information is available by calling 562-594-9148 or emailing

The California Democratic Party has endorsed all of the state-wide ballot measures on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot except Proposition 34, which deals with revenue from a federal prescription drug program. The legislative analyst estimates that—if passed—Prop 34 would result in increased state costs, likely in the millions of dollars annually. For more information about all of the propositions, search online for “2024 California ballot measures: What you need to know.”

Democrats and supporters who want to learn more about the Leisure World club—or who just want to discuss politics with other like-minded residents—are invited to stop by the club booth in the parking lot outside of Clubhouse 6. It’s open every Tuesday in August from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The Leisure World Democratic Club believes:

• health care is a right,

• diversity is a strength,

• the economy should work for everyone, and

• facts and truth matter. Democrats and supporters are invited to subscribe to the club’s newsletter by emailing the editor, Mary Larson, at or phoning 562-296-8521. Full contact information, including name, mail address, phone number, email address and party affiliation, should be included in the request. There is no charge for this semi-monthly newsletter that is distributed to subscribers by email.

—Mary Larson

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