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Community Karaoke

Community   Karaoke Community   Karaoke

On Wednesday nights in Clubhouse 1, karaoke singers make listeners feel happy. People tap their feet to the beat, recall memories of a familiar song and applaud the performance of friends. Host Walt Bier began the Aug. 7 evening with a robust “Wonder of You.” Craig Gall sang a powerful “This Guy’s in Love with You.” Pat Paternoster gave an energetic “Together Again.” Essie Hicks did an emotional “Love Has No Pride.”

Julie Nulad chose the popular “Sincerely.” Barbie May was at ease with “Blue Bayou.” Bob Barnum sang a powerful “Dream On.” Erika Greenwood sang the catchy “Wooden Heart.” Thirtyfi ve singers participated in the night of entertainment with a wide variety of music.

A small group choose to practice a song or two on Mondays in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m. Karaoke parties are a social gathering to have a bit of fun meeting new friends and encouraging karaoke singers. The club meets each Wednesday night from 5:30-9:30 in Clubhouse 1. Everyone is welcome.

—Margie Thompson

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